Hey Guys,
It is good to share that at last Google as sent me invitation for Google Wave and I can login and be the part of Google Wave!
If you are already using Google Wave, please share your best tips and tricks for a new user of Google Wave.
I would be sharing the exciting stuff which i found interesting about Google Wave after some time. Time to surf in Google Waves!
For now I have found these great blog posts full of best tips from great bloggers:
- Cheat Sheet: Hints and Tips For Google Wave – A good compilation of tips by David. You would learn the new terminologies used in Google wave and some other good tips, good for new users.
- Ultimate List of Google Wave Tips and Tricks – This is good collection of videos explaining many aspects of Google Wave and how you can make best use of them. Great video resource for Google Wave users by Keith.
- 6 Tips For Using Google Wave On Your First Project – Nice easy to read list of 6 tips to use Google Wave in your projects to collaborate with your team members by Will Kelly.
- Google Wave: A Complete Guide – Nice easy to follow guide by Ben on Mashable blog. You are going to find some best tips there for new users of Google Wave.
That is it for now. You are free to share any other tip you may know to take Google Wave to next level.
Best Regards,
Mohsin Rasool