CSS is becoming complex day by day and as projects become bigger so gets the stylesheet and its CSS styles. To manage and keep track of your CSS stylesheets is not that easy as it used to be in the early days.
CSS preprocessors are here to rescue and SASS (with new syntax SCSS called Sassy CSS easy to follow for CSS users). I have tried many times to go with CSS preprocessors like LESS or SASS but have not been able to stick to it as my projects were not that complex or I did not need to add more tools into my workflow. But recent weeks I have been using SASS and I am finding it so useful and it is here to rescue me for bigger and long term projects to help me manage and keep track of CSS stuff.
Here is good tutorial to follow if you are new to SASS and want to give it a try:
On Ubuntu it was easy to get started by just adding RUBY with RVM. Following tutorial by Ryan Bigg at his blog at this blog post: http://ryanbigg.com/2010/12/ubuntu-ruby-rvm-rails-and-you/
Enjoy your adventure with Ruby installation challenges , and SASSing your CSS π