If you need motivation to get things done. Just watch this, you gonna love it.
If you want to watch the whole video. Here it is:
If you need motivation to get things done. Just watch this, you gonna love it.
If you want to watch the whole video. Here it is:
It is very bad to be an entrepreneur and also try to prove the world how genius I am by presenting complex solutions!
Man it has happened to me and often i find myself in this trap. I see a simple problem in the market, and when I try to solve this, wow I have got the simple solution…but my damn genius mind will not accept that so simple solution.
My genius mind wants me to bring something which makes people wonder, which is so complex and difficult that no one in the world can do that.
That is great if I am going to run for Nobel prize..but for simple business I observe that simple solutions always win, Simple is HOT! Simple and Easy is what is called Miracle!
I tried to come with a graph, a grid to help focus our energies, for me and my team and i came up with four cases as shown in the following image:
Now you see there are four different cases for problem and solutions with respect to simplicity and complexity:
Simple Problem and Simple Solution. Wow I think it is where the money is. When i observe my big money makers so far, it is always the case..but problem is we kill the idea as simple-simple case scenario fool us and says who is gonna buy this, people will laugh that how simple it is, and i will look like a stupid guy with so simple solution/product. Lol our genius mind always wanted to add some extra crap/steps to add the complexity to the solution to show how genius we were to discover this combination.
Complex Problem and Simple Solution. Awesome, one thing to focus on long term, this is where you earn respect and fortune both in one basket. Long term but good to have in the mission statement. I think it is not where cash flow is, if you need money to run the following three months, better you focus on CASE:1 Simple-Simple!
When you have money to fund your time and energies come to this quadrant and amaze the world, bring something which brings WOW, FUN and Happiness to the world. Yeah you push the button and problem is gone because solution is so simple.
Simple Problem and Complex Solution. Wow this is what genius minds always come up with. A pure genius mind trap. How irrational i sometime become, that I often find myself in this scenario, there is simple problem, and damned i have got a genius solution which takes 20 days training , 12 hours to operate and 27 steps to follow to kill that little bug 🙂
Forget this, fire this, whenever technology changes, i find many people who do not want to learn new technology fall in this trap, they do not want to show the people new simple solution but wanted to tie up them into their big-dinosaur solution. Sure way to go out of business in coming years.
Complex Problem and Complex Solution Well that is interesting case. Many time I have thought this a good option to consider, but then one thing dawned on me , that come on, we can take this case to case 2, if we spend more energy and bring more creativity to the table, we can take this complex problem to Case:2 where we have SIMPLE solution to this complex problem instead of complex one.
Again I have crossed this one too from my goals list. I think for a short life like us humans we have much to do on first two cases / quadrants. Specially for the entrepreneurs as I said in the start of this post, let’s stop fooling ourselves and forget about complex products and solutions.
Let’s bring more simplicity to our customers’ lives and I am sure they are going to give us more money to bring more simplicity. Let’s declare to ourselves that we do not have to prove anything to anyone that how genius we are!
We just want to add value to our customers’ lives by solving their simple and complex problems and bringing SIMPLE solutions to them. This is the only thing which will justify our title of Entrepreneurship. What you say my friend? Let me know your thoughts in the following section of comments.
Best Regards,
Mohsin Rasool
Yes, I was talking with my friend, and we concluded this:
“You know if you can manage your Energy….you cannot stop yourself
doing Great Things…”
How do i know this? Can I verify that above statement is true and practical?
Yes, I can say it is 100% correct. As just this week I have been following a routine which generates huge personal energy in my body and after that I have been able to complete many unfinished to-dos which were taking months to finish them.
Here is another observation my friend observed:
see i used to work and be productive
WITHOUT caring about health, energy, sleeping, etc.
so i just thought i could continue like this..
but i think my body has had enough.. i’ve
abused my system so much.. i’m surprised
it’s still working..
so i totally agree that it all has to work
in harmony..
Now this is my closest friend and I know he is extremely successful in his online business ventures but just recently he observed that he is not having great feelings sometime and sometime he feels down for no obvious reason. I know the same situation have been with me for last four years. I have my share of success but sometime I just feel very depressed and down.
How we tackle this situation, we discussed and thought and shared our ideas and so far we have come to this conclusion which I have written on first few lines, let me repeat it here:
“You know if you can manage your Energy….you cannot stop yourself
doing Great Things…”
Question is how we manage our energy? Personal energy so we get unstoppable drive to do great things!
There are few things if you can take care of them you can achieve the goal we are trying to accomplish, like:
If you are successful applying above tips, you will have enough energy and brain juices to get most of your todo stuff done. You will get the outrageous results from your actions as now you are unstoppable with the kind of energy your body have.
For my morning exercise routine, I have been lucky to find a YOGA class in near public park with plenty of greenery and like mind peoples and great coach. If you can find something like this you will feel the great difference in your daily life after attending that Yoga exercise class. (BTW it is also great to see sunrise while doing Kings Like exercises there 🙂
UPDATE- 28-Jan-2010 I shared the same on my favorite forum, Warrior Forum, with my forum buddies..and they had few things to add, so I am going to quote them below, hope you like it:
exercising every day really helps me clear my brain out for some reason.
–Daniel Brock
Then Igor suggests this:
Eat fruit for breakfast. They are filled
with fluids and charge you up for the
whole day.The first meal sets the tone for
the rest of the day. If you start the
day off a bad meal-then you’re setting
the whole day to be as bad.
–Igor Kheifets
Paul contributed to this thread with following great insights:
I have found out that exercising is REALLY important. I have kept
track of my productivity over the last few months, and on the days
when I got at least 30-60 minutes of exercise I found that I had so
much more energy to do things and it also helps to put you in a more
positive frame of mind.Another thing to note is to have a fairly light mid-day (2nd meal)
that is not heavy on carbs. If you eat something heavy then, you go
through this carb-induced haze afterwards that makes it a little hard
to really focus on things. If you end up feeling tired in the
afternoon, it does not hurt at all to either meditate or take a short
nap to refresh yourself. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive
the rest of your day will be by doing that!“Solid sleep and exercise are definitely prerequisites, and meditation
is the icing on the cake that really supercharges your focus and
productivity.”–Paul Chow – Warrior ID: paulie888
Allurre gives awesome tips to Internet Business Owners to save their body from upcoming crash in IM Lab:
1. You will definitely need adequate sleep.
2. Exercise – get out your house; don’t be holed up in your so called lab. It’s killing you.
3. Stay positive – be enthusiastic with your online business. If you’re mentally frustrated, that alone will disrupt your energy flow.
4. Have a healthy dietary regime.
5. Make sure you still have your social life.
Peter sums it up nicely for all Internet Marketers:
Regular exercise, drinking lots of water, and eating good food
everyday is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle IMO.
Source: Warrior Forum, Energy Managing Thread by Me
Be there. Tell a friend. Sponsor the event. Make a donation. We need your help.
Yesterday was My Birthday and for last three days I was not even ONLINE!
I was out of city and I had no access to computer and internet there. Today I just come back home and was delighted to read so many awesome emails from my online friends wishing me happy birthday, thanks to all of my great friends.
But one thing which made me feel so special and happy that I HAVE no words to describe i.e. My Birthday Was Celebrated in Japan by My Bro and Sister also!!! Do not believe me? Ok check this post and blog by Kevin Riley, my brother, and my Senpai (Mentor) click Here for Blog KevinRileyInc.com I really love this!!!
One more thing which made me feel happy and special was a chain of Wishes from Warrior Friends in Warrior Forum, Yeah Warriors also celebrated my birthday in Warrior Forum, check here Happy Birthday Mohsin a great thread in Warrior Forum!
I want to thank all of my friends who sent me wishes on this special day in my life. Especially I want to thank Kevin and Rieko, really you made me feel so happy and special. I am proud to be young brother of you.
Mohsin Rasool
PS. Excuse me for this so colorful post 🙂
Mike Lee, Dr Mani, Me, Mark Joyner, Kevin Riley
Hi Friends,
I was reading about great Ford and Schwab in a book at the subject of Selling. And the writer has written something different about these great businessmen which reminds me the Dale’s famous book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”.
Let me quote the writer’s exact words about Ford and Schwab’ business success.
Ford and Schwab
Why has Henry Ford won so unique a place in the personal regard of the everyday man? Ford is one of the richest men in the world; yet he is not hated. What is the reason for his general popularity? He is not an idler. He has celebrated each success by taking on another job. And he always has given a hand-up to the other fellow instead of kicking him down so that he might climb higher because of his failure.
He has understood and sympathized with the hopes and viewpoint of people who work. As a result countless men and women, most of whom never have seen him, think of Henry Ford as their friend. His finest success is not signified by the millions of money he has accumulated, but by the millions of friendships he enjoys.
Charles M. Schwab, too, is popular. He is a man whom people like. Because he was so successful in winning friends, rather than for his generally recognized business ability, he was made the head of the Government’s ship-building program in the war. Other men were eager to work with and for Charles M. Schwab.
The co-operation of thousands of friendships, new and old, more than anything else enabled him to succeed in his big, patriotic job. How much more he has to celebrate in his wealth of good will than in his great fortune of dollars! Schwab has been called the most successful salesman in the world, which is another way of saying that he has no equal in ability to make other people both trust and like him.
After reading the above quote if you agree with the above quoted text of the writer, and if you want to really know How to employ this secret in your own business success, i suggest you to read Dale Carnige’s book called, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. After reading it reRead it please 🙂 This is not a penny less that other College business books.
Wish you more friends and more success in salesmanhsip and own business.