I just wrote this personal message to a friend from Pakistan, Danish, who said this:
“Bro , Seriously due to unavailability of paypal i am really facing loads of troubles , do you have any alternative which you are using ?”
I wrote my answer there, but due to length of the message could not post there, and also I thought many other fellow Pakistani friends will benefit from this so I post this at my blog here:
Danish My Friend you are always welcome.
Yeah you are right Paypal problem we face here… But I use and recommend 2Co as this solves about 80% problem, i mean with 2Co you can receive payments from customers who want to pay though Credit Cards as well as also from the customers who want to pay from their Paypal account balance!
As i said this does not solve 100% problem as still you have no means to use those funds online, until they get into your Local Bank Account.. So we cannot make payments online as we could have made through our
Paypal account…for this i recommend to get hold of Credit Card, of yours or someone in your family who can trust you , and you can trust him/her!
Also if you have digital product and you want to tap into Affiliates market, you have also Clickbank there…to handle your Payments, and payments to affiliates!!!
MAN it used to be hard in the days when 2Co Would not accept
No Paypal, No Clickbank, No Problem | Mohsin Rasool
(Also download the report from there i wrote once for friends like you
facing NON-Paypal problem -)
Note: Above post/report was written before clickbank was available in Pakistan,,
but now as clickbank is in Pakistan…i suggest to use Clickbank for Affiliates
and not 2Co’s very limited affiliate program.
and when Clickbank would not allow Pakistan
…but now you have both!!!
ClickBank in Pakistan WoW! | Mohsin Rasool
You see we are making progress… so do not worry and keep working on your Goals you are going to make more than thousands who have Paypal account but have not made money online due to inaction or no work!
Wish you best there, hope this gives you some ideas,
Mohsin Rasool
PS. Oh I wanted to share this with you:
I used to earn very less money , say only Adsense…
And used to think and focus on the problem that how sad
i have no PayPal , no clickbank…
Then One day a very great friend of mine from Singapore, Ameer Salim,
said this:
“Mohsin do not focus on problems (Paypal) focus on opportunity (2Co!)”
That day was the turning point, as I said OK , No Paypal NO Problem!!!
I am going to sell and I am going to use 2Co..After all they are multi Million Dollar
company,,, why cannot they process my first Million Dollar π
Then I started to offer services and some products and it really has become my
integral part of bi-weekly income…yeah 2Co sends weekly/Bi-Weekly your money
directly to your bank.
So Danish I recommend you go with 2Co and forget about Paypal problem for now.
When you have made some stuff, you will have some great friends here online.
And if you must need some payment to be received through Paypal you can ask
your friend to accept that payment on your behalf. But your sales system should
be fine with 2Co as they are going to take payment for you from all non-paypal and paypal buyers.
Oh live by revenge LOL…i mean if Paypal says : No Pakistani… Say: NO WAY! NO PAYPAL! … hahah Paypal Sucks! This will make you feel great and really this
will FREE you from the thought of absence of Paypal as disadvantage to you!
http://www.paypalsucks.com/ π – Now sometime I joke ,No it is not Paypal which does not accept Pakistan, but it is Pakistan which does not accept Paypal . HAHAHAHA!
Have a Great day! Let me know if you have any question in this regard.. I will update this post or reply in comments.